As resident of small cities can not enjoy services from Operators like Nayatel, Fiber-storm etc. so they always have very limited options to get connected to internet.
Resident of Wah Cantt always find it harder to get a reliable internet service provider. Following are the options available to Wah Cantt residents to get connectivity.
2. 4G/3G Service Provider
3. Motive Internet (Local Service Provider)
PTCL as usual neglect its customers in Cantt area, they are providing connectivity via Copper wires, User get more dis-connectivity than connectivity. Internet got disconnected after every minute so majority of users get rid of their PTCL connections.
4G/3G Service Providers
I switched to ZONG from PTCL 2.5 years ago. I purchase Router of ZONG instead of MBB devices as I want to connect 5 to 10 users and MBB devices faces difficulty in handling more than 2 users normally. My experience with ZONG was excellent in start. I was getting following speeds:
Downloading: 1 to 3 MB/second. Its actual speed of downloading not the speed test speed.
Uploading: 1 to 2 MB
Only problem was limit on usage. I was getting 50 to 65 GB data in Rs 2500. With the above-mentioned speed, I was able to consume all of my data in one week time. After that I plan to use my bandwidth but still due to its great speed I had to use 2 packages of Rs 2500. So, 5000 was my per month expense on Internet.
But form last 6 months I was experiencing very low speed on ZONG, some times around 2 Kb/sec and browsing become awfully slow. So, I start searching alternatives as ZONG on response of my queries send a reply with “services can not be improved in your area”. After this reply I dumped them.
I switched to Jazz for one month only, I was not happy with its speed, they don’t have proper coverage in Wah Cantt.
Motive Internet:
It was found that Dis-connectivity on my connection was due to some issue with my ISP and also my router was not compatible with it, Changing the router resolve connectivity issue. Will update here if any thing changed with time.
How to Get Connection:-
You can call Humair at 0312 722 00 29. Do not forget to mention MobilePoint as referrer.
I came to know about this local internet service provider. They are providing internet services with wireless method, after getting information about them I gave them a try. To know about them in detail click here.
The main idea behind motive as per my opinion is to grab all customer not satisfied from PTCL and can’t afford 4G networks due to high prices. Customers are happy with motive internet due to following:
1: They came from PTCL’s shitty service where dis-connectivity is the pain and headache. When they get a stable connection, they like it a lot also as compared to shitty service of PTCL any alternative can satisfy users.
2: Price is only Rs 1200 for 2MB package and data usage is unlimited.
3: Speed: Following is the speed of this internet on 2MB package
Downloading: 130 to 230 KB/second
Uploading: 130 to 230 KB/second
My experience: –
My experience with them is Mix.
I am using their 4MB package which costs Rs 2500/ Month, Why I choose it? As I was thinking that by paying double I will get double downloading speed however this did not happen at first place. I was getting a speed from 130 to 330KB with only 1 computer connected through router, after complaint now i am getting 400+ downloading speed in kb, which is very decent.
As I am their user from 4 weeks and after facing some issues with them now i am very much satisfied with them, as atleat now we have some sensible alternative to PTCL at low rate and a good speed.
Speed Test Result:
Click here to check speed test of a 4 MB Connection.
Want detailed information about motive internet? Click Here
Do you know about any other alternative? Do let us know via comment section.
[…] are leaving it to you.However if you are interested to know about my experience with them you can click here to get more […]